About Us


We Are Unique And Award-Winning!

  • Flat Fee Recruiting, LLC is headquartered in Greenville, South Carolina and is a permanent placement recruiting firm that provides quality employees for lower fees than the typical staffing agency. It has helped companies save THOUSANDS of dollars in recruiting costs.
  • Flat Fee Recruiting received the prestigious “Minority Business of the Year” Award from the Greenville Chamber of Commerce in 2012.
  • We are also a Tier-2 BMW Supplier and have been endorsed as a “Success Story” by them.
  • Flat Fee Recruiting services clients on a National level. We do not have a “niche market” and welcome all industries and all business sizes to utilize us.
  • In addition to cost savings, our clients have the added benefit of HR Professionals assisting them with their hiring efforts. We join forces with you on lowering your turnover rates and decreasing the consequences associated with replacing unproductive employees.
  • We understand variances in the dynamics and cultures associated with our clients and their environments. Whether you are a small business hiring your first employee, a fast-paced manufacturing facility with thousands of associates, or a service-related agency – we will accommodate you in a manner that works with your hiring needs at a pace that meets your goals.

Connecting People for over 25+ Years


Meet the Team!

Ava Smith

Ava Smith


Nija Orr

Nija Orr

Operations Professional

Yana Wilson

Yana Wilson

Administrative Professional

We Have Filled Over 2,000 Positions!


What We Do

Connect People with the Right Jobs for Them

Looking for a job can be an exhausting experience! Our hope is to be a valuable resource to you and those you may know of that are seeking employment. We have staff on site that can care about your situation.

Get Your Job Postings & Company Info Out to the World

Ready to save time AND money? We take the stress out of recruiting and bring a positive impact to your bottom line.

Career Advice & Candidate Resources

We post articles and resources that can help you move through a successful job search.

Serve Our Community

Our Team Members support our community by contributing and serving on a variety of Boards and Committees that make a difference.